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You can download all of my games below

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A retro chic, isometric hack'n'slash adventure where you play as a mysterious knight traveling through a strange and foreboding forest. With a focus on player agency the games combat has a focus on improvised weapons which allow players to engage enemies in fun and hilarious ways.

Games: Video

IN DEVELOPMENT: "That one time I fixed reality"

I'm currently developing a 3d point and click adventure where you play as me! Stranded in a fractured reality and tasked with fixing it. Talk to devils, jukeboxes, piles of skin and clothes goblins to get them all back where they belong and I can get back to making games!

Games: Video
Games: Image


final major project demo

Ghosts are in the business of unfinished business. Play as a ghost as you haunt an office to the point of closure!

Please find the link to my itch page below to download the most recent demo of my final major project at uni!

Games: HTML Embed


Ludum Dare 47

Sad Knight is a isometric puzzle/horror game I made in a team for the Ludum dare 47 Game Jam. My roles where game design, designing the flow and mechanics of the game along with programming and placing all the assets in the scenes.

Games: HTML Embed


Keep the dream alive

This is a game I worked on with 3 classmates for Ludum Dare 46 called nightlight. Bring the lights back to the bed and venture out into the darkness. Don't let the nightmares catch you!
My role was game designer and assisting with code and assets.

Games: HTML Embed


Endless Game

The Brief Given for the project was to create an endless runner but I enjoy thinking differently. So I created a game where you need to fend off waves of deadly and not so deadly enemies making sure the player catches their weapon!

Games: HTML Embed


The above images are for a tile based card game called one debt dungeon! players need to pay off a debt by venturing into the dungeon and making it out with enough loot and torches to guide them back out!

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Games: Gallery

©2019 by Jack McPherson Game Designer. Proudly created with

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